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Magnetic Mind Program
A 12-Month Program That Teaches You How To Implement Our Revolutionary Superconscious Creation Process and Create What You Love
A 12-Month Program That Teaches You How To Implement Our Revolutionary Superconscious Creation Process and Create What You Love
 Watch This Presentation Below About Magnetic Mind!
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*The Magnetic Mind retails for $4,995, but if you're here, you are eligible to get it at the End Of Month sale price & you're getting a massive discount (just pay $495). Your information is secure and will not be shared.

Special One-Time Offer ($109): Includes 1-on-1 Recode Session with a Certified Coach (worth $495), an Emotional Mastery Course with 5 Big Recode Sessions on removing your limitations, and the Magnetic Money Mind Program.

Special One-Time Offer ($29): This program is designed to work while you sleep to change your neural pathways around money. These carefully crafted meditations will help you enjoy a deep, peaceful sleep, setting the stage for a healthier, wealthier, and richer life. Immerse yourself in a journey of wellness and wealth creation with our 6 superconscious sleeping guided audio meditations. Upgrade your order now and add the 'Sleep Yourself Rich Program' – valued at $29, now available for an exclusive one-time offer!

Want To Know The "Fastest" Way To Reprogram Your Brain For Success?

Want to know how to remove your biggest inner blocks & limitations in under 10 mins?

Do you feel like you were meant for something bigger? … but know there is something holding you back ?

If so ... then you're going to love The Magnetic Mind because it's changing how people rewire their minds to become a magnet for everything they desire.

My Name Is Chris Duncan.

This is my personal invite for you to join something The Magnetic Mind...

Because you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then I know something about you...

You have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You have been frustrated with your results in the past but, with proper guidance you can achieve anything you “put your mind to” ... BUT

You know the right way to achieve massive success is by changing your mindset and letting go of the past! But, a few simple things are holding you back and ...

...things aren't happening as quickly as you'd like.

That's Why I Created Magnetic Mind For You

Here's the TRUTH:

There's a BIG problem in the personal development world when it comes to mental reprogramming that no one is talking about and ...

It's the difference between being "satisfied with what you have" or being able to "consciously manifest a life that is aligned with your true desires".

You see, traditional "rah rah positivity-first style” methods of brain reprogramming only address half the equation... they focus on "fixing" or "healing" your existing problems (and or past traumas).

The problem with these methods are that ... the nature of problem-solving means you will always have to look to fix or improve things in order to be motivated.

Consider this... if no problem exists your brain will still automatically go looking for problems to fix in order for you to “improve”... because that’s what its been programmed to do!

Why ... because in the past fixing problems has been your primary focus and more often than not you will find more than enough to go around.

So much so that it becomes a lifelong journey of the problem-solution orientation of books, seminars and it's a stark contrast to what the super successful do ... they don't try to solve problems instead, they create what they love.

A Billionaire Once Told Me...
"You Will Only See It When You Be It"

The secret to true manifestation lies in the Hermetic Principles that dates as far back as the 1st & 2nd centuries A.D. and ...

You must stop trying to fix yourself or your current results because any action you take only reinforces that you are “not it” or “not there” which in turn creates an identity of “not there” ... 

This will stop you ever achieving your desired results because achieving the desired result is in conflict with who you are “you cannot plant seeds of scarcity and grow an abundance tree".

For Years I Obsessed About That Conversation...

I Knew What He Was Telling Me Was True, But Also In My Head I Was Thinking ...

What Was I Missing?

It wasn't until years later when I discovered that the reason why I was feeling this way was because I was fighting against an internal structure based on the universal law which states “energy will take the path of least resistance” and it is true ...
“Most people don't realise ... success becomes effortless when you understand how to develop a "creative tension seeking resolution structure" that automatically pulls you towards the correct action on a daily basis.”
Unfortunately many of us are not going for what we want because on some level we feel incomplete and as a result we only do enough to avoid some type of pain.

So much so that we have designed our lives around solving the 6 ways we feel incomplete ...
  • I am unworthy
  • I am not good enough
  • I don't belong
  • ​​I am incapable
  • ​I am insignificant
  • ​​I have to be perfect
If you're like most people you have at some point had feelings of inadequacy and that's 100% normal because as a child we needed this programming to take the correct action and stay safe... BUT
“If you are an adult wanting to create what you love you must choose to let go of the ways you feel incomplete.”
The reason why most people struggle is because the goals they are trying to hit are designed to solve one of the ways they feel incomplete which creates internal friction and is the primary reason why they feel frustrated with their lives.

In ancient times ...

The Alchemists Used To Say...
"A True Creation Is Created Because You Would Love To See It Created And Not Other Reasons"

The number one reason the law of attraction doesn't work, is because we are unconscious to the true intention of our goals and are actually attracting more ways to feel incomplete…

95% of goals people write down do not fit into true goals, and therefore can never be reached with ultimate ease.

So What's The Solution? ...

A revolution in transformation was uncovered in 2015 after 30 years of clinical research in psychotherapy that shows you ...

How To Recode Your Brain in Minutes

Watch this quick video that illustrates the brain recoding itself by creating new positive connections instantly … this is a demonstration of “Hebb's Rule”
You see... 

We create all our existing beliefs, limits, personalities and emotions... 

however we've never had a fast and easy way to align our own internal consciousness with our true desires to create sustainable long term success. Until now and it's called ...
“The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode™...
...it's the bridge between the old world and the new.”
It works by creating a connection with your superconscious genius and teaches your brain how to create new connections as well as release lifelong beliefs and trauma... 

This technology works because of the science of neuroplasticity that says your brain can change...

It's like a user manual for your mind ...

It's now possible to take control of your mind and recode it in minutes.

If You Do Not Have Everything You Desire Then You Need To Join

Here's Everything You Get in The Magnetic Mind

  • Magnetic Mind Online University ($995 Value)

     Foundational Superconscious Training

    • ​​Learn How To Create A Magnetic Mind

    • Uncover Your True Choices

    • Learn The Superconscious Wisdom To Restructure, Recode, And Realign With Your True Power

     Digital Copy Of Chris’s Book “You’re Not Broken” And Corresponding Training

     Access To The Private MAGNETIC MIND Community

     Your Partner Can Attend All Sessions

    • Monthly Magnetic Mind Workshop with Chris Duncan ($3,600 Value)

    • ​​3 Hours Live Online With Chris To Set Your Month Up, This Will Include Training, Superconscious Transformation, And A Meditation

    • ​​Recording Available

    • Weekly Superconscious Transformation Session (Valued At $100 per week or $5,200 per year)

     We Have 7 Scheduled Weekly “Superconscious Transformation” Sessions That You Can Access At Any Time

     There Are Over 20 Different Superconscious Transformation Processes And The Recode

     This Is Live With A Certified Coach This Is Where Transformation Will Happen:

    • ​​5 Steps To Consciously Create Your Desires

    • ​​Create Choices You Love

    • ​​Recode Process To Shift Your Identity And Let Go Of Any Limitations

    • ​​Identify The Aligned Action That Will Propel You Towards Your End Result

    • ​​Meditation To Lock In Your Future

    • BONUS: 20+ Superconscious Meditations

     Start Today And We Will Give You A 20 Superconscious Meditation Package (Value $1,995)

     ​​Listen To These Wherever You Are To Create Easy Transformation (You Can Keep These For Life)

      That's A Total Value of $$11,790

      Or Just $333/Month

      The Magnetic Mind Rapid Recode will allow you to ...

      Rapidly Recode Your Identity In 5 Steps

      Step #1: Choose A True Goal

      A "True Goal" focuses on the acceptance of what you want rather than focusing on finding a solution to an existing problem. True goals align your target with your end result and allow you move forward with complete clarity and excitement about your new future.

      Step #2: Create Structural Tension

      It's your structure that determines your behaviour. A "Creative Tension Seeking Resolution Structure" naturally pulls you towards what you desire without internal struggle and with minimal effort... Imagine how much your confidence will grow by knowing every decision you make is the right one.

      Step #3: Emotion of End Result

      Traditional personal development methods focus on fixing and healing problems... which doesn’t work because it creates a “fix it” mentality. Neuro-Emotional Meditation allows you to "Create New Emotional Set Points" based on the person you want to be rather than the person you need to fix... become a magnet for abundance and new opportunity.

      Step #4: Unplug & Recode

      Learn to recode a "New Unconscious Identity" so you can finally move forward without restriction from the things that have been holding you back. Replace old habits, beliefs and feelings with new ones and step into a new reality with laser focus and a deep understanding of your limits.

      Step #5: Take Aligned Action

      Knowing which actions to focus on and in what order can mean the difference between success and failure. You will learn a simple process that aligns your actions with your True Goal to create unparalleled momentum and remove the fear of “getting it wrong”.

      Results From Our Awesome Clients


      Get Started Today & Enjoy A Massive Discount

      • Magnetic Mind Online University ($995 Value)

         Foundational Superconscious Training

        • ​​Learn How To Create A Magnetic Mind

        • Uncover Your True Choices

        • Learn The Superconscious Wisdom To Restructure, Recode, And Realign With Your True Power

         Digital Copy Of Chris’s Book “You’re Not Broken” And Corresponding Training

         Access To The Private MAGNETIC MIND Community

         Your Partner Can Attend All Sessions

        • Monthly Magnetic Mind Workshop with Chris Duncan ($3,600 Value)

        • ​​3 Hours Live Online With Chris To Set Your Month Up, This Will Include Training, Superconscious Transformation, And A Meditation

        • ​​Recording Available

        • Weekly Superconscious Transformation Session (Valued At $100 per week or $5,200 per year)

         We Have 7 Scheduled Weekly “Superconscious Transformation” Sessions That You Can Access At Any Time

         There Are Over 20 Different Superconscious Transformation Processes And The Recode

         This Is Live With A Certified Coach This Is Where Transformation Will Happen:

        • ​​5 Steps To Consciously Create Your Desires

        • ​​Create Choices You Love

        • ​​Recode Process To Shift Your Identity And Let Go Of Any Limitations

        • ​​Identify The Aligned Action That Will Propel You Towards Your End Result

        • ​​Meditation To Lock In Your Future

        • BONUS: 20+ Superconscious Meditations

         Start Today And We Will Give You A 20 Superconscious Meditation Package (Value $1,995)

         ​​Listen To These Wherever You Are To Create Easy Transformation (You Can Keep These For Life)

          That's A Total Value of $$11,790

          So You’ve Read Everything Here And You’ve Got A Few Questions,

          Let Us Put Your Mind At Ease...

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          This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

          Here Is What We Will Be Covering Together

           The 7 Keys To Superconscious Intuition
          Our Course Curriculum
            Key 1: the Structure Of Precise Decision-Making And How To Utilise It For Your True Success In Life 
            Key 2: Your Existing Communication Channels - How To Get Fluent In The Language In Which Your Intuition Is Already Talking To You
            Key 3: How To Do Successful Intuitive Readings Using The “3 P’s Of Intuition”
            Key 4: Superconscious Awareness + Unwavering Focus = Intuitive Power
            Key 5: How To Master Your Intuitive Orientation - And Take Advantage Of All The Other Orientations As Well While Being Grounded In Your Intuitive Style
            Key 6: The 9 Intuitive Powers We All Posses" (That Are Formed In Early Childhood)
            Key 7: The 3-minute Psychic Reading Process (that you can use whenever you wish and wherever you are)

            Here Is What We Will Be Covering Together

             The 7 Keys To Superconscious Intuition
              Key 1: the Structure Of Precise Decision-Making And How To Utilise It For Your True Success In Life 
              Key 2: Your Existing Communication Channels - How To Get Fluent In The Language In Which Your Intuition Is Already Talking To You
              Key 3: How To Do Successful Intuitive Readings Using The “3 P’s Of Intuition”
              Key 4: Superconscious Awareness + Unwavering Focus = Intuitive Power
              Key 5: How To Master Your Intuitive Orientation - And Take Advantage Of All The Other Orientations As Well While Being Grounded In Your Intuitive Style
              Key 6: The 9 Intuitive Powers We All Posses" (That Are Formed In Early Childhood)
              Key 7: The 3-minute Psychic Reading Process (that you can use whenever you wish and wherever you are)

              One time Offer Only - $99: Get the Full Recording of the last 2 day workshop and 3 transformative meditations